Names by Date of Birth

Name Index

Laurence Eldon Northup of Ollie, Iowa born 2/12/1910 and deceased in May of 1976. He was the son of Charles Henry Northup , born 10/15/1880 and married to Eldora Carter of Ollie, Iowa. Laurence married Marjorie Maxine Cavin, born 1/23/1928 also of Ollie, Iowa. She died 5/15/1960 and he died on 5/11/1962. They had two sons; Laurence Jr. and George. Also two daughters. One Eldora Northup Fowler of Sedalia, MO and the other; Dixie Burns Jasper in Martinsburg, Iowa. Dixie is from Marjorie's previous marriage.
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Laurence Northup Family

Children of Laurence and Marjorie Northup

Laurence Jr. born 11/16/1948 in Ollie, Iowa
George Born ?? in Ollie, Ia
Eldora Northup Fowler born ??
Dixie Burns Jasper Born ??

Pictures of Laurence Northup Family

Marjorie with Lawrence, Jr.